Allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan


Allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan


The period of information to the public of the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan has finished with a total of 38 allegations of which 3 arrived after the closing date. Of the 35 accepted allegations; 15 were from owners of existing homes, 4 from neighbourhood associations, 6 from other associations and entities, 4 from companies and 6 from private individuals.

The Management Commission, once the written allegations have been considered, will issue a report for the Bilbao City Council which will include its opinion on whether or not to accept the different proposals presented.

The City Council will take the final decision as to the inclusion or not of the allegations in the Special Plan document prior to its definitive approval.

Provisional approval of the modification to the General Plan in Bilbao for Zorrotzaurre
Definitive approval of the modification to the General Plan in Bilbao for Zorrotzaurre