The Contracting Board approves the Land Reorganisation Project


The Contracting Board approves the Land Reorganisation Project


The General Meeting of the Contracting Board has approved the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action Plan 1 of Zorrotzaurre.

This is the document that specifies the distribution of the compensations and expenses among the owners of the Execution Unit 1.

The next step is to put the Project on public display for one month. This period will begin in the next few days with the notification to owners and the publication of the approval in the Official Gazette of Bizkaia.

During the period of display to the public, the Land reorganisation Project will be available on the Contracting Board’s web page (

The document on paper and personalised information are available in the offices of the Contracting Board (Colón de Larreategui 13, 2º dcha. – 48001 Bilbao) by appointment calling 944 230 642. Partial or full paper copies  are available from Cianoplan (Acebal Idígoras 6 – 48001 Bilbao).

The Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action Plan 1 of Zorrotzaurre covers an area of 389,654m2 on the right bank of the Deusto Canal and the northern and southern tips of the future Island of Zorrotzaurre.

The Execution Unit 1 is divided into 208 plots belonging to 59 owners of which 7 currently are carrying out economic activity in the area. There are 25 further active companies operating in rented premises. To develop Execution Unit 1 it will be necessary to pay compensation for these 32 businesses.

The Land Reorganisation Project defines the list of current owners and their current plots (the said 208 plots) which are known as ‘initial plots’ and the future plots as defined by the Special Plan which are known as the ‘definitive plots’ (39). To carry out this reorganisation, the Project assigns the ‘definitive plots’ to the current owners in line with their percentage ownership.

Finally, the Land Reorganisation Project will set the first payment against the balance of each owner for the urbanisation costs.

The total costs forecast are 139 million Euros, of which 53 million are for compensation to owners and occupiers for the transfer of their activity.

The Zorrotzaurre project present in an exhibition on urban transformation in Spain
The contract for the works to open up the Deusto Canal and for the new bridge has been awarded.