Approval of the Allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Land Reorganisation Project


Approval of the Allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Land Reorganisation Project


The assembly of the Zorrotzaurre Management Commission has agreed to approve the Report replying to the 49 allegations presented to the Execution Unit 1 of the Zorrotzaurre Land Reorganisation Project, initially approved last January 14 after the period of public disclosure.

Of 49 the allegations presented by a number of owners and businesses located in Zorrotzaurre, 30 have been accepted, 4 in their totality and 26 partially.

The main questions raised concerned discrepancies regarding: property, the criteria for the awarding of future plots, the urbanisation costs to be charged to owners and the amounts of compensation. 19 owners have affirmed their desire not to participate in the urbanisation process.

Each allegation will receive a specific reply from the Management Commission.

The next step will be the drawing up of a new reorganisation Project document to include the modifications accepted. Once finished, the document will be submitted for approval by the assembly of the Management Commission, which will also agree upon its public disclosure.

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