Modification of the General Plan for urban planning in Bilbao in Zorrotzaurre (2)
On April 20th, 2012 the Bilbao City Council definitively approved the modification to two articles of the General Plan for Urban Planning in Bilbao for the Zorrotzaurre area. There is a double motive for the modification.
The first is to adapt the Plan to make possible the recent agreement between the Bilbao City Council and the Basque Government, under which the financing arrangements for the two future bridges, which will join Zorrotzaurre with the Deusto area, were modified. The original financing arrangement was established in the agreement signed between the two institutions on January 3rd. 2010.
The bridge, which is to join the future island with Deusto, and which until this new agreement was to be financed by the Basque Government, will now be financed by the Zorrotzaurre Management Commission.
The modification in the General Plan for Urban Planning now approved, assigns the bridge connection with Deusto to the Zorrotzaurre Mixed Area instead of the San Ignacio bridge.
The second motive for the change was to increase the period available for the urban development of the Zorrotzaurre area, originally set at six years and, given the technical complexity involved has, after the modification, been increased to twelve years.