Anniversary: It is twelve years since the initial public presentation of the Zorrotzaurre Master Plan


Anniversary: It is twelve years since the initial public presentation of the Zorrotzaurre Master Plan


12 years ago today, (October 29th, 2004) the press conference in Bilbao to present the Zorrotzaurre Master Plan took place. The document, drawn up by Zaha Hadid Architects, included as its most important innovation, the complete opening up of the Deusto canal, transforming the Zorrotzaurre península into an island and thereby guaranteeing a flood-free area.

In parallel, and on that same day, the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum opened a detailed exhibition on the Master Plan (models, photos, graphs, informative panels) that remained open, for one month until November 28th, to companies, neighbours of the area and the general public.

The Master Plan has been the basic document of reference for all the planning of Zorrotzaurre approved over these years: among others; the special Plan (2012), the Land Reorganisation Project of Execution Unit 1 (2015) and the Urban Renewal Project for Execution Unit 1 (in the final definitive approval stage).

Idom awarded the contract to draw up the Project for the strengthening of the riverside quays on the Bilbao river estuary in Zorrotzaurre
88% of the houses of the first development in the Project sold before construction starts