Video of the Frank Gehry Bridge


Video of the Frank Gehry Bridge


On the second anniversary of the official opening of the Frank Gehry Bridge, the Contracting Board has produced a new video in the series dedicated to the operations undertaken in the Zorrotzaurre Project. The video focuses on the bridge which unites Deusto to Zorrotzaurre.

Of the three bridges planned in the Zorrotzaurre Project, the Frank Gehry Bridge is the first to have been built and was named after the prestigious Canadian architect who also presided over the laying of the first stone in October 2014.

The bridge, designed by the civil engineers Guillermo Capellán and Héctor Beade, cost 5.7 million euros and was financed by the Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board. The bridge is 75 metres long and an average of 28 metres wide.

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