The Contracting Board of the Zorrotzaurre Execution Unit 1 approves to put out to tender the urbanization works of the northern end of the island


The Contracting Board of the Zorrotzaurre Execution Unit 1 approves to put out to tender the urbanization works of the northern end of the island


The Contracting Board of the Zorrotzaurre Execution Unit 1 has approved, in the last meeting celebrated, to put out to tender the urbanization works of the streets, squares, gardens and urban services of the northern end of the island (the closest one to Zorrotza). Thereby, there will be delimited the lots where first blocks of buildings will be constructed in this area, both residential and tertiary. These are the first urbanization works that will undertaken on the new island, once demolition and soil decontamination works have been completed.

At the same meeting, the Contracting Board has also approved to tender the urbanization of the space between the Euskalduna bridge and the IMQ clinic, after which the urban transformation of the entire right bank of the Deusto canal would be given as concluded; these works began in August last year.

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