Approval of the allegations to the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution 1 of Zorrotzaurre


Approval of the allegations to the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution 1 of Zorrotzaurre


The General Meeting of the Contracting Board has agreed approval of the report replying to the 41 allegations presented during the period of public display of the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution 1 of Zorrotzaurre (initially approved on December 17th 2014).

Of the allegations presented by the different owners and companies in Zorrotzaurre, 6 have been accepted (3 totally and 3 partially). 8 allegations were merely informative and the remaining 27 have been rejected.

The principal subject of the allegations was the discrepancies in the value of compensations to be paid. There were also allegations related to ownership and the registered surface area of plots.

The next step is to send the report to the Bilbao City Council for its consideration and the final approval of the Plot Reorganisation. The City Council will reply individually to each allegation.

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