Initial approval of the Execution Unit 1 of Zorrotzaurre


Initial approval of the Execution Unit 1 of Zorrotzaurre


The Agreement for the management of the Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action Plan 1bof Zorrotzaurre was approved today by the Bilbao City Council. This first Execution Unit covers an area of 389,995m2 and includes the entire right bank of the Deusto Canal and the northern and southern ends of the future island.

Once the Agreement is published in the Official Gazette of Bizkaia, the public period of consultation of the documentation, which runs for 20 working days, will begin.

The main agreements reflected in the document to be signed by the City Council and the main owners of the Execution Unit 1 are as follows:

a) Set up as the Contracting Board in the month following the signing of the Agreement.

b) Draw up, through the Board, the Plot Reordering Project for an equal distribution of benefits and charges.

c) Transfer to the City Council the obligatory free plots.

d) Contract the urbanisation works.

e) Accept the urbanisation charges and execute the urbanisation, infrastructure and service works covered by the Execution Unit.

f) Organize the execution of the urbanisation works in the phases and time scales foreseen in the Urban Action Programme.

Together with the Agreement, the by-laws of the future Contracting Board of the Execution Unit 1 were approved.

Reception of allegations to the Urbanisation Action Programme (PAU)
Reception of allegations regarding the Agreement for the management of the Zorrotzaurre Execution Unit 1