Provisional approval of the modification to the General Plan in Bilbao for Zorrotzaurre


Provisional approval of the modification to the General Plan in Bilbao for Zorrotzaurre


Today, the Bilbao City Council agreed the provisional approval of the modification of the General Plan for Urban Planning in Bilbao for Zorrotzaurre. This modification, which affects articles and, was originally approved by the Council last October 28th.

The next step in the process is the presentation of the approved documentation to the Territorial  Urban Planning Commission for the Basque Country, to the Environment Department of the Basque Government, to URA (the Basque Water Agency) and to the Coastal Authorities for their final reports.

Final definitive approval of the modifications to the General Urban Plan is expected no later than May this year.

The period of information to the public for the Special Plan for Zorrotzaurre begins
Allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan