Call for tenders for the informative study for the tram extension from Bilbao to Zorrotzaurre
The call for tenders by Euskal Trenbide Sarea for the informative study for the tram extension from Bilbao to Zorrotzaurre was published today in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country. The maximum budget is set at 200,000 euros before VAT and there is an execution period of 9 months. The final date for presentation of tenders is September 17th.
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Juan Mari Aburto, new Chairman of the Management Commission of Zorrotzaurre
In the meeting of the Management Commission of Zorrotzaurre held this morning, Juan Mari Aburto, Mayor of Bilbao was named as the new Chairman of the entity. Angel Toña, Minister for Employment and Social Policy of the Basque Government was also named as First Vice-Chairman. With Ricardo Barkala and Asier Abaunza, Councillors on the Bilbao City Council for Works and Services and Urban Planning, respectively, the municipal participation in the Commission was completed.
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Visesa calls for tenders for the sale of three plots on Zorrotzaurre for the building of new housing
The Offical Gazatte of the Basque Country publishes today an advertisement by Visesa, the Basque Government-owned company for the development of social housing, for the sale of three plots on Zorrotzaurre for the first development of new housing in the quarter. The plots are; SI-3 (2,253.60m2) for 99 protected housing units, SI-4 (2,253,60m2) for 132 private dwellings and plot DB-1 (1,968.07m2) for 111 price-controlled dwellings. The plots, assigned to Visesa under the Plot Reorganisation Project, are located in San Ignacio (SI-3 and SI-4) and in Deusto (DB-1). The price offered for each plot must exceed 2,967,000 euros (SI-3), 13,000,000 euros…
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