Call for tenders for the informative study for the tram extension from Bilbao to Zorrotzaurre
The call for tenders by Euskal Trenbide Sarea for the informative study for the tram extension from Bilbao to Zorrotzaurre was published today in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country. The maximum budget is set at 200,000 euros before VAT and there is an execution period of 9 months. The final date for presentation of tenders is September 17th.
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Zorrotzaurre, a “Creative Isle”
Over the last seven years, and in parallel to the urban renewal project, an ever-growing number of cultural, artistic and leisure activities have been setting up in Zorrotzaurre, turning it into a true “Creative Isle” This innovative process has become one fo the signs of identity of the quarter, where imagination, culture and alternative leisure find their natural space through the breathing of new life into unoccupied industrial buildings. To bring to the fore this flow of creativity and innovation, we have opened a new tab on the website “Creative Isle” to connect to all the different creative activities now…
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Approval of the allegations to the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution 1 of Zorrotzaurre
The General Meeting of the Contracting Board has agreed approval of the report replying to the 41 allegations presented during the period of public display of the Land Reorganisation Project of the Execution 1 of Zorrotzaurre (initially approved on December 17th 2014). Of the allegations presented by the different owners and companies in Zorrotzaurre, 6 have been accepted (3 totally and 3 partially). 8 allegations were merely informative and the remaining 27 have been rejected. The principal subject of the allegations was the discrepancies in the value of compensations to be paid. There were also allegations related to ownership and…
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