The Bilbao City Council calls for tenders for a hydrogeological and soil study of Zorrotzaurre

Concursos, licitaciones y adjudicacionesZorrotzaurre

The Bilbao City Council calls for tenders for a hydrogeological and soil study of Zorrotzaurre


The Bizkaia Offical Gazette published, on October 6th, the Bilbao City Council call for tenders for the hydrogeological and soil study for the Zorrotzaurre peninsula.

The aim of the study is to find out the level of contamination of the underground water on Zorrotzaurre in order to determine their correct future treatment.

The documents for the call for tenders are available at (Contracting Profile. Administration Contracts).

The maximum budget for the contract (before VAT) is 82,644,63 euros and the time allocated for the study is four months.

Tenders can be presented before 13.00 on October 21st. in the Dirección de Contratación (Plaza de Venezuela, 2-5º planta, Bilbao).

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