Bilbao City Hall calls for tenders for partial renovation of the Beta 2 building that will house the As Fabrik project


Bilbao City Hall calls for tenders for partial renovation of the Beta 2 building that will house the As Fabrik project


Bilbao City Hall has published a call for tenders for partial renovation of the Beta 2 building that is destined to house the facilities of the As Fabrik project. The initial budget for the first part of the renovation stands at €2.96 million (excl. VAT), with a period of 4 months to carry out the works.

The deadline for submitting bids is 16 August.

More information on the tender on the Bilbao City Hall website

The As Fabrik Project has an investment Budget of €5.8 million (80% of which comes from the European Commission), a large part of which is earmarked for the aforementioned renovation of the Beta 2 building.

As Fabrik, will be a complex fostering training and entrepreneurship, sponsored by Bilbao City Hall and a further six partners. The project is intended to be a breeding ground for digital business ideas, the aim of which is to encourage local talent and at the same time to act as a driver to attract future investments associated with what is known as Industry 4.0.

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