Initial approval of the Zorrotzaurre Urbanization Project
Today, the Bilbao City Council approved the Urbanization Project for the Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action 1 of Zorrotzaurre, which includes all the right bank of the Deusto canal and the northern and southern ends of the future island. This Project, which includes free spaces, public roads and pedestrian spaces, covers 390,000 m2, of which 165,000 m2 correspond to streets and squares. The Urbanisation Project defines the different surface elements of the first phase of Zorrotzaurre: pavements, roads, squares, urban furniture, parks, etc. It also defines how the underground and above ground urban services such as water, gas…
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Manuela Gatto of Zaha Hadid Architects: “Zorrotzaurre needs to be focussed on creating opportunities for young people and creating a different city profile”
Manuela Gatto, Senior Associate of Zaha Hadid Architects, after the death of the anglo-iraqui architect, has been visiting Bilbao to give a conference at the BIA Urban Regeneration Forum, organized by local architects. Gatto, who was the Director of the Master Plan for Zorrotzaurre, has been interviewed by a number of local media organisations with the Zorrotzaurre project the central theme. With regard to the design of the Zorrotzaurre Master Plan, the Italian architect explained that they wanted to maintain the soul of the area and give new life to the industrial buildings. She recalled that they attempted to maintain…
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Meeting of the Management Commission ad the Contracting Board of Zorrotzaurre
Today saw the meetings of the Zorrotzaurre Management Commission and the Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board in Bilbao. The meeting of the Management Commission was held one year after Juan Mari Aburto, Mayor of Bilbao, was named as chairman in substitution of Ibon Areso. Angel Toña, Minister for Employment and Social Policy of the Basque Government was also present. During the meeting, and beyond the analysis of the regular matters, the Mayor explained the balance of activity for the last year on the Zorrotzaurre plan, which suffered the loss, in March, of the author of the Master Plan, the anglo-iraqui architect, Zaha…
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