Compensation paid to companies leaving the area and plot owners who give up ownership
The Contracting Board has paid out a good part of the compensation due to companies that have to leave Zorrotzaurre and to owners giving up ownership of their plots. The Land Reorganisation Project set compensation at 47 million euros for the buildings to be demolished and for the companies, which have to leave their current installations in Zorrotzaurre due to the new uses defined in the Special Plan. Of the above amount, the Contracting Board has already paid out 16 million euros. The rest of the compensation is to be paid before the end of 2018, in accordance with the…
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An Austrian delegation of people related to development and innovation projects show interest in the Zorrotzaurre development process
A 36 person Austrian delegation has been visiting Bilbao to learn, first-hand, about the development projects of the capital of the province of Bizkaia. The delegation made up of university staff, managers of regional and sectorial development entities and specialised journalists yesterday attended, in the central offices of Bilbao Ekintza, among others, a presentation, by Pablo Otaola on the basic outline of the Zorrotzaurre project and its innovatory aspects. Last Friday, the Zorrotzaurre project was also presented by the director of the Management Commission, in the head office of Bilbao Tourism, to a group of Danish architects and urbanisation experts…
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Agreement between the Basque Government and Visesa to finance the bridge between San Ignacio and Zorrotzaurre que unirá San Ignacio con Zorrotzaurre
The Official Gazette of the Basque Country published today resolution 38/2016 of the Department of Public Administration and Justice, which sets out the Collaboration Agreement with Visesa for the handing over, by the Basque Government, of five plots from the Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action 1 of Zorrotzaurre to be used for social housing. The Agreement also establishes the obligation on the part of Visesa to use the sums obtained from the plots for payment of the construction of the bridge between San Ignacio and Zorrotzaurre; Visesa, will then, pay for the works on behalf of the Basque…
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