The second public consultation on the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan begins


The second public consultation on the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan begins


Approval for the new public consultation period for the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan was published today in The Official Bizkaia Gazette. This second consultation period will last 20 working days from June 9th to July 2nd.

The new consultation period is a result of modifications to the original document of the Plan as a consequence of the inclusion of several proposals presented during the first public consultation period which took place last December and January.

The documentation for the Special Plan is available at:

  • The offices of the Sub-Area of Planning in the Urbanism, Housing and Environment Area (Edificio San Agustín, Plaza Ernesto Erkoreka, 12, 1º B)
  • The Deusto Municipal District Centre (Bidarte) located in Avenida Lehendakari Aguirre, 52
  • The City Council website:

Proposals may be deposited in the Municipal Register, in the Area of Urbanism or in the District Centres.


Approval for the new public consultation period for the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan was published today in The Official Bizkaia Gazette. This second consultation period will last 20 working days from June 9th to July 2nd.

Approval for a further public consultation phase of the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan
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