Conclusion of the urbanisation works on calle Ballets Olaeta


Conclusion of the urbanisation works on calle Ballets Olaeta


The urbanization works on calle Ballets Olaeta, between the Carmelo Bernaola (Enekuri) tunnels and IMQ Zorrotzaurre hospital have concluded. The new road network in the BoticaVieja district is thus completed, whereby calle Morgan is now a one-way street exiting Bilbao towards the Enekuri tunnels and calle Ballets Olaeta is the entrance road to Bilbao from said tunnels, reaching the roundabout at Euskalduna Bridge.

Likewise, the pavements on calle Morgan have been widened in order to facilitate pedestrian transit.

Saidworks were carried out by Viconsa and their management was contracted to the temporary consortium of companiesformed by Ingeniería Izarvi and Estudio Albia.

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