The circus arts centre Zirkozaurre moves to the former Artiach Factory


The circus arts centre Zirkozaurre moves to the former Artiach Factory


The circus arts centre, Zirkozaurre, founded en 2012, has moved to the first floor of the former Artiach factory. Its former centre, located in the first phase of the Zorrotzaurre Project is shortly to be demolished.

The new installations total almost 1.000 m2., with an open area of 400 m2. for aerial acrobats, jugglers, dance, aerial yoga, clowns and Pilates, as well as a 7 metre by 9 metre stage.

Training is offered for anybody interested in circus performance with training for amateurs and professional companies, as well as the possibility of hosting new artistic projects.

The opening of the new installations yesterday, brought together the the Basque Government Minister for Culture, Education and Linguistic Policy, Cristina Uriarte, and the Director for Culture of the Bilbao City Council, IñakiLópez de Aguileta.

Zirkozaurre has received support from the Basque Government through the Creative Factories programme since 2013.

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