22 tenders for the contracting of the drawing up of the San Ignacio Zorrotzaurre bridge project


22 tenders for the contracting of the drawing up of the San Ignacio Zorrotzaurre bridge project


A total of 22 tenders (6 structured as consortiums) have been presented for the drawing up of the San Ignacio – Zorrotzaurre bridge project. The presentation period closed at midday today.

The drawing up of the project and the construction of the bridge will be financed by the Basque Government and managed by the Management Commission.

The 22 tenders received involve 29 engineering companies which have working for them, the most important Spanish engineers specialised in bridge construction. More than half of the companies are from the Basque Country.

Once the tenders have been analysed the Management Commission will award the contract to the company that has presented the best offer.

The contract for the works to open up the Deusto Canal and for the new bridge has been awarded.
Iñaki Azkuna, the fundamental proponent of the Zorrotzaurre urban regeneration project has died