Reception of allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Urbanisation Project


Reception of allegations to the Zorrotzaurre Urbanisation Project


Public exposition of the Urbanisation Project of the Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action 1 of Zorrotzaurre, which was initially approved on July 27th 2016, finished on September 30th with 21 allegations presented.

Of those, 4 were presented by municipal groups, 3 by companies, 2 by neighbours’ associations, 1 by a sectorial association and the 11 remaining ones by members of the public.

The Contracting Board, once they have analysed the documents, will draw up a report for the Bilbao City Council with their recommendations for acceptance or not of the different proposals presented.

The City Council will take the final decision as to the incorporation of the allegations into the Zorrotzaurre Urbanisation Project document for its definitive approval.

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