The City Council launches three tenders related to Zorrotzaurre

Enlaces de Interés

The City Council launches three tenders related to Zorrotzaurre


The Bilbao City Council has called a tender for the drafting of a preliminary project for the first underground parking in Zorrotzaurre. The objective of the tender is to execute a document that designs and defines a parking solution on the plot called EQ-13, a public space reserved in the future for sports facilities.

The Bilbao City Council has also convened another tender in order to execute the demolition works of the industrial pavilion located at No. 2C of Ribera de Zorrotzaurre and subsequently condition an open public area connected to the surrounding buildings, Beta 1 (Digipen) and Beta 2 (As Fabrik).

At the same time, the municipality of Bilbao has launched a third tender addressed to provide service of coordination in health and safety issues in the renovation and rehabilitation works of the Beta 2 building, phase 2.

Source: BOB

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