The San Ignacio bridge installation is delayed two months

Enlaces de Interés

The San Ignacio bridge installation is delayed two months


At this point, mid-October, the installation of the board to be mounted on the left bank of the canal should be already done. But there is a problem. Sources close to the works ensure that this operation, that generates a lot of interest due to its spectacularity, will have to be postponed. The reason is that part of the pieces that make up the puzzle and that are manufactured by a company in Seville have not yet arrived. Without these key elements the board cannot be completed and, therefore, neither can the piece be loaded on a barge; in order to, from there, and by cranes at both ends, fit it into the footings built on both sides.

Source: El Correo

As Fabrik takes the last step to open the doors to local talent next year in Zorrotzaurre
The Basque Country Architecture Biennial includes in its program of activities one talk called “Zorrozaurre, from the river bank to the island”, which is celebrated on November 4 in Bilbao organized by Eraikune