The Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board has called for tenders for the urbanisation Works for Calle Ballets Olaeta


The Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board has called for tenders for the urbanisation Works for Calle Ballets Olaeta


The Contracting Board of Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Area 1 has called for tenders for the urbanisation Works of calle Ballets Olaeta between the Enécuri tunnels and IMQ Zorrotzaurre Clinic.

These works will finalise the reorganisation of the Bótica Vieja road network, so that calle Morgan will be one-way from Bilbao towards the Enekuri tunnels and, when finished, calle Ballets Olaeta will be the entrance to Bilbao from the said tunnels via the Euskalduna bridge roundabout.

The works will follow the technical project designed by the engineering firm SAITEC.

The tender terms set a budget of 1,562,238.30 euros (VAT not included).

Tenders should be delivered to the Contracting Board’s office before 13.00 on Tuesday February 14th 2017.

The call for tender documents can be found under ‘Contractor Profile’ of this website.

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