An Austrian delegation of people related to development and innovation projects show interest in the Zorrotzaurre development process


An Austrian delegation of people related to development and innovation projects show interest in the Zorrotzaurre development process


A 36 person Austrian delegation has been visiting Bilbao to learn, first-hand, about the development projects of the capital of the province of Bizkaia.

The delegation made up of university staff, managers of regional and sectorial development entities and specialised journalists yesterday attended, in the central offices of Bilbao Ekintza, among others, a presentation, by Pablo Otaola on the basic outline of the Zorrotzaurre project and its innovatory aspects.

Last Friday, the Zorrotzaurre project was also presented by the director of the Management Commission, in the head office of Bilbao Tourism, to a group of Danish architects and urbanisation experts who have spent three days in Bilbao visiting some of the emblematic buildings of the capital such as the Guggenheim or the Azkuna Zentroa and learning about the recent urban development projects of the city.

Agreement between the Basque Government and Visesa to finance the bridge between San Ignacio and Zorrotzaurre que unirá San Ignacio con Zorrotzaurre
Compensation paid to companies leaving the area and plot owners who give up ownership